Dates Fields

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Date Fields are entered in Date/Month/Year format, by using either the '/' or '.' characters as separators.


Empty date fields normally show as "   /   /   ".


The date will be automatically formatted for you when leaving the field (Eg. Typing "27.9.5" will format automatically to "27/09/2005").


There are a few shortcut keys you can use when filling in a date field.


Shortcut Key



If the field is empty this will insert Today's Date


Add to the date in a date field by one Day


Subtract from the date in a date field by one Day

<Shift> <Plus>

Add to the date in a date field by one Week

<Shift> <Minus>

Subtract from the date in a date field by one Week

<Ctrl> <Plus>

Add to the date in a date field by one Month

<Ctrl> <Minus>

Subtract From the date in a date field by one Month

<Ctrl> <Alt> <Plus>

Add to the date in a date field by 30 Days

<Ctrl> <Alt> <Minus>

Subtract from the date in a date field by 30 Days

<Alt> <Plus>

Add to the date in a date field by one Year

<Alt> <Minus>

Subtract from the date in a date field by one Year